
Life Is a Journey, Not a Rat-Race

Embrace and enjoy your very own path

Life is not easy, but it can be fun if we could appreciate its intricacy better. The modern world is full of gadgets and glaring objects. A new breed of social media influencers is guiding us every day to buy new objects. Our neighbor just bought a new car and a friend, a new advanced phone. Our dated possessions are making us feel lesser.


Do we really need to feel that way?


But we fall into the trap. We become fixated to achieve those shiny pieces as well. We don’t want to be left behind and be perceived as ‘not enough’. Our culture has become such that display of wealth and pleasure has become mainstream. We feel gratified with our possessions. There is nothing wrong with that, except, the feeling is short-lived. Once we have it, the charm is gone. Then we focus on something new. Instead of living our own life, we become a participant in a competition. Some competition is good for our growth, but competing for the next glittering thing makes our lives miserable. Instead of living our own dreams, we start chasing someone else’s. This is the reason we never feel happy when we finally possess those shiny objects.


Life is not a competition. We all have our unique paths. We all are on our very personal journey. It has its own ups and downs. We must nurture our own dreams and work to fulfill them. When we achieve our own goals with hard work that’s when we feel true happiness.


As tempting as it may be, let us not get distracted by others’ life. How can you stay engaged on your own path and have fun on the journey?


Here are 3 simple ideas to consider -

1. Compete with yourself

Instead of focusing your energy to compete with others, focus on yourself. How can you improve yourself? Shiny possessions may be attractive, no doubt, but ask yourself what matters to you. Your goals may be different. Identify them and then figure out what you must do to achieve them. Do you have what it takes? Make a mission to become a slightly better version of yourself each day by incorporating simple doable changes that will lead you closer to your own goals.


2. Be relentless yet patient

Achieving bigger goals take time, sweat, blood, and tears. Are you ready for it? While improving yourself every day, be relentless, yet patient. You will achieve your goals when you are ready. Often there are no sustainable shortcuts in life. Reaching your destination after a toiling path gives a different kind of long-lasting pleasure that no gadget can provide.


3. Have a long-term view of life

Finally, remember, it is your journey, not a race with anyone else. Every milepost of your journey is truly yours and will eventually pass, good or bad. You have to keep moving. Having a long-term view of life will allow you not to get stressed out when your desired milestone may take longer and you may have to go through rugged harsh terrain. In the grand scheme of your life, it is just a blip.


When you shift your mindset from a rat race to accepting your own unique journey on your own unique path, this will liberate you from the stress of competing and not having things that others are having. You will attain a clear sense of your own goals which you will accomplish at the right time.


Have the courage to own up to your own unique journey. Trust me, it will become a gratifying experience.


Embrace and enjoy your very own path